white-throated bush chat,Saxicola insignis,Hodgson's bushchat

white-throated bush chat 
(Saxicola insignis),
Hodgson's bushchat,
Uttar Pradesh
Nikon Gears
Full screen mode recommended for details.
*Extreamely rare sighting,only few record sighting in last 10 years from India*

This  is an Old World flycatcher in the genus Saxicola. It is IUCN Red Listed as Vulnerable by BirdLife International. In 2001, the global population has been estimated at between 3,500 and 15,000 individuals. The major threat appears to be the rapid loss of grasslands in its wintering areas. It winters in the Nepal and Indian Terai and in the Dooars. In this region, it has been recorded in Jim CorbettShuklaphantaChitwanKaziranga, and Manas National Parks and in Lumbini Crane Sanctuary. It prefers wet and dry grasslands, reeds and tamarisks along riverbeds, and also occurs in sugarcane fields. In spring and summer, it breeds in the alpine or sub-alpine meadows and scrub in the mountains of Mongolia and adjacent parts of Russia.


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